10 Ways to Make Your Website More Inbound-Friendly

10 Ways to Make Your Website More Inbound-Friendly

Inbound Friendly Website: If you’re like most website owners, you want to attract visitors and convert them into customers. But when it comes to attracting inbound traffic, there’s a big difference between using your existing site and optimizing it for search engines. In this post we’ll cover 10 ways that you can make your website more inbound-friendly so that it’s easier for people who come across your site to find what they need.

Increase Usability and Improve Navigation.

  • Make sure your website is easy to navigate. As a user, you should be able to find the information you want quickly and easily. If you can’t, chances are that someone else will give up on your site because they can’t figure out how it works.
  • Make sure your website is easy to use. People don’t want an interface that makes them feel like they’re working with a complicated system or tool—they just want something simple and intuitive that they know they’ll be able to use every day without needing any training on how it works (which means no clunky drop-down menus).
  • Make sure your website is easy-to-read: This isn’t just about fonts; clear writing helps make things easier for people who aren’t experts in web development! The fewer words per paragraph there are, the better off everyone will be when reading through an article or blog post later down the line.”

Make Your Site Search-Friendly.

There’s no denying that search engines play a vital role in driving traffic. They’re the first step to getting visitors to your site, and they’re what keep people on your site once they’ve arrived. But if you want to make sure that search engines can crawl your website, there are a few things you can do:

  • Make sure your site is indexed by Google (or any other major search engine). This means adding meta tags with keywords and including a sitemap so that when someone searches for those terms in Google or another engine, it will send them directly back to where they need to go.
  • Make sure all of the content on your website is easily readable by humans as well as machines—this includes using headings throughout so that users know where each section begins and ends; using bold text when discussing key items; using lists instead of paragraphs when possible; etc., etc., etc..

Search engines are also important for SEO (search engine optimization), which is the process of optimizing your site to rank higher in search engine results. The higher you rank, the more traffic you’ll get from people who are looking for specific information.

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Reduce Loading Times.

You’ve probably heard the term “load time” before. It’s a measurement of how long it takes your website to load on a user’s browser, and it can be one of the most important elements for determining whether or not someone will stay on your site for long enough to find what they’re looking for.

Load times are especially important if you want people to convert into customers or subscribers. When people are waiting around too long while they wait for information (or worse—they leave), there’s a much greater chance that they won’t return; so reducing the amount of time that visitors have to wait before seeing something is critical!

There are several ways you can reduce this time:

  • Make sure that images aren’t too large when uploaded through WordPress’ Media Library feature (which uses lightboxes). This will decrease load times significantly as well because images won’t need as much data transfer from memory into RAM during the loading process–less waiting means faster download speeds overall! In addition…
  • You should also test your load times using Google’s PageSpeed Insights tool. This will give you an idea of how quickly users can access information on your site, and it will also show which elements need some optimization before they can reach optimal performance levels. In addition to improving user experience, faster loading times are crucial for SEO because search engines take into account how long it takes someone before they click ‘back’ or abandon the page altogether; therefore decreasing download speeds could help improve rankings.

Optimize for Mobile.

Mobile users are more likely to convert, spend more and share content. They’re also more likely to engage with your brand, buy your products and services.

  • Optimize for mobile by making sure that all of the information on your website is easy to access from any device. Make sure articles are short and concise so they don’t get cut off when someone scrolls down the page on a phone or tablet. Make sure images are large enough that they don’t lose quality when zoomed in on smartphones or tablets—and make sure they’re free of distracting elements like ads (which can sometimes look pixelated).
  • If you have multiple pages with similar content but different designs, consider using an accordion style layout so users can see both versions at once without having to click through between them manually every time! This will result in higher conversion rates because people feel like they’re getting value out of each page without having wasted time clicking around looking for what they want.”
  • keep it short and sweet so that people can scan quickly. Don’t use too many images or videos that take up bandwidth on mobile devices—and if you do, make sure they’re optimized for fast loading speeds… it’s just common sense! You might also want to consider using an accordion style layout (like tabbed pages) when adding content.”

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Grow Your Community.

One of the best ways to grow your community is to engage with them on social media.

Social media is a great way to build relationships and get more attention from potential customers. Use Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and LinkedIn for this purpose. You can post about new products or services that you’re launching or new content you’ve created for your blog. You can also use these platforms as an opportunity for customer support—if someone has a question about what they saw in one of your posts, respond by replying privately on Facebook Messenger or sending them an email using the form at the bottom of their comment (make sure they have their permission before doing so).

If possible, respond directly when someone asks a question instead of just leaving it up there unanswered! This shows people that you care about their needs and wants which will make them more likely want buy from you than someone else who wouldn’t bother replying back at all.”

Make Sure Contact Information is Visible.

Your contact information should be at the top of your website. This way, users can easily find you and get in touch with you if they need to.

The best place for your contact information is right under every page on your site (or in its header). It’s also important that it’s easy to find, so make sure it’s placed close to other important pieces of content such as social media links and team bios.

Make sure that this section includes:

  • Phone number: Give people an option of calling or texting before they leave a negative review on Google Search Engine Result Pages (SERPs). An email address is acceptable too!
  • Email address: The majority of people reading through reviews look at what people have said about businesses when deciding whether or not they’ll go there themselves; if someone leaves an email address at the bottom then others can ask questions directly without having any fear about receiving spam emails instead!
  • Social media links: Most people prefer to interact with businesses through these platforms rather than their website. It’s important that contact details are visible on your homepage as well as other pages where users might land when browsing online.
  • A physical address: If you’ve got a brick-and-mortar storefront, make sure that is listed somewhere on your website so people can find it easily. Even better, if possible try including directions to get there from the nearest bus stop or subway station.

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Use Social Media.

Social media is a great way to promote your website, engage with your customers and find new ones. It’s also a great place to build your brand, listen to what people are saying about you and even get advice from other businesses.

The first thing to know about social media is that it’s not just about Facebook or Twitter—there are dozens of other platforms out there that can benefit from being used in tandem with each other. For example: LinkedIn allows you to create “influencers” (people who have large followings on their own) who will share links back to your site; Instagram lets people post photos of themselves wearing something similar as part of an ad campaign; Pinterest has become one of the most popular places for brands looking for inspiration; YouTube videos get millions of views per day!

Catch the Eye With Color and Imagery.

  • Use color and imagery to attract attention.
  • Color is a great way to create a visual hierarchy on your website, which is essential for making it easy for users to find what they’re looking for. If you have an image that’s eye-catching enough, it will grab people’s attention immediately as they scroll down the page—and if it’s memorable enough, they’ll keep coming back! You can also use this effect with text by writing something like “Get inspired” in bright red letters on top of some white space (or vice versa). If there’s something important about this message that needs emphasizing more than another sentence would do alone, then go ahead and make sure that element stands out even more prominently by using one of these bolder colors than usual: pink might be appropriate here because pink happens naturally when seen from far away; purple might work well because purple makes us think “magic.”

Use the Right Kind of Advertising and Be Careful of Interruptive Ads.

  • Use color and imagery to attract attention.
  • Color is a great way to create a visual hierarchy on your website, which is essential for making it easy for users to find what they’re looking for. If you have an image that’s eye-catching enough, it will grab people’s attention immediately as they scroll down the page—and if it’s memorable enough, they’ll keep coming back! You can also use this effect with text by writing something like “Get inspired” in bright red letters on top of some white space (or vice versa). If there’s something important about this message that needs emphasizing more than another sentence would do alone, then go ahead and make sure that element stands out even more prominently by using one of these bolder colors than usual: pink might be appropriate here because pink happens naturally when seen from far away; purple might work well because purple makes us think “magic.”

Design for Humans, Not Browsers.

Design for humans first.

The most important thing to do when designing your website is to focus on the human experience and make sure that users can easily navigate the site, understand its content and find what they need. You’ll want to make sure that your site looks good across all devices (including mobile), while also providing an easy way for users to interact with it.

For example: if you want people who use their mouse or keyboard instead of touchscreen devices like tablets or smartphones, use CSS3 media queries so that only certain elements appear when viewed at small resolutions (like 1024×768). This will ensure that even though some browsers won’t show images properly until 1024 pixels wide, those same images display perfectly on larger screens where they are meant for viewing anyway!

Your website should reflect your inbound strategy to attract and convert more visitors.

Your website should reflect your inbound strategy to attract and convert more visitors.

  • Optimize for SEO: Your website should be optimized for search engine optimization (SEO) so that it ranks high in search results. The higher you rank, the more likely people will find your site when they are looking for something related to what you offer. This means that if someone searches for “teaching English online,” or something similar, they’ll see your page at the top of their results list.
  • Build trust with customers: A large percentage of potential customers just won’t buy from a business they don’t trust—and few businesses have time or money invested into growing their market share without earning some sort of return on investment (ROI). In order to build trust with potential new customers, make sure all links on your site lead back somewhere else—this includes internal pages like FAQs or help docs as well as external links pointing back toward other sites where users can learn more about what makes yours unique!
  • Build your community: If you have an active community, use your site as a platform for them to engage with each other. Create forums where people can discuss topics related to your brand or share their thoughts about what it’s like being part of something bigger than themselves; these types of conversations could attract new customers who might not otherwise find out information through traditional channels such as TV commercials or print ads.


And that’s just a handful of ways to make your website more inbound-friendly. There are many other considerations you should take into account when creating a website, including SEO and marketing strategies. It’s important to note that these tips are general guidelines only.

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