Why Is My Website Traffic Going Down? (And How Do I Fix It?)

Check traffic of website

Check traffic of website designIf you check the traffic of the website recent drop in traffic might be causing concern, impacting your business’s bottom line. But fear not, as this decline can stem from various reasons, each with its solutions. In this article, I’ll delve into the four primary culprits behind dwindling website traffic and offer remedies for each issue. To promptly uncover why your organic traffic might be decreasing, simply input your URL for an instant SEO audit. If you require immediate assistance, feel free to reach out to our experienced team at 6306470701, and we’ll swiftly help identify and rectify the problem.

1. A new algorithm update launched

Many businesses see a decrease in website traffic, often because of changes in algorithms.

The problem

Search engines like Google and Bing continually refine their search algorithms to improve user experience. These updates can impact your website’s ranking, influencing the amount of traffic it receives. Being aware of these changes and adjusting your SEO strategies accordingly is vital for a robust online presence and attracting more visitors.

The solution

Certainly, adjusting your online strategy to navigate search engine algorithm updates is crucial for your business. Embracing a cross-channel marketing strategy offers various avenues to boost website traffic. Examples include paid ads on platforms like Google Ads, utilizing social media for engagement, and leveraging email marketing for a steady flow of visitors. In case of a traffic drop due to an algorithm update, it’s wise to investigate the update’s nature. While major search engines might not disclose changes, industry research can provide insights for a thorough site audit and necessary fixes to improve your website’s ranking. Staying adaptable and informed allows you to thrive in the ever-changing digital landscape and grow your online presence effectively.

2. Your website is HTTP, not HTTPS

Certainly, an unprotected website can also face a substantial and enduring decrease in its visitor count.

The problem

In today’s digital landscape, prioritizing online security is paramount, leading many websites to adopt Secure HyperText Transfer Protocol (HTTPS). Unlike regular HTTP, HTTPS adds a layer of encryption for the secure transmission of user data, especially sensitive information like credit card details.

In 2014, Google made a significant move by announcing HTTPS as a minor ranking factor in its search algorithm. As cybersecurity gained importance, web browsers like Google Chrome have taken further steps by warning users attempting to access an HTTP website. These warnings, such as a full-page alert, encourage users to “Go Back to Safety” and label the site as insecure, impacting website traffic and potentially reducing sales. Ensuring a secure browsing experience is vital for instilling confidence in users and promoting successful transactions on your site.

The solution

If you’ve observed a decrease in your website traffic and your site still operates on HTTP, there’s a solution available. Consider partnering with a developer or a reputable agency like Tap For Tech to facilitate the transition to HTTPS. Here’s a straightforward guide to assist you in making the switch:

  1. Secure a Dedicated IP: Obtain a dedicated IP address for your website if you don’t have one already.
  2. Get an SSL Certificate: Purchase a Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) certificate to encrypt data on your site, enhancing its security.
  3. Activate SSL with Your Web Host: Collaborate with your web hosting provider to activate your SSL certificate. This process may take a few days, so exercise patience.
  4. Install SSL on Your Domain: After activation, ensure the SSL certificate is correctly installed on your domain.

Additionally, your web development team must set up redirects, guiding users and search engines to the secure version of your site. This prevents access to the outdated HTTP version, positively impacting user experience and your SEO strategy. Transitioning to HTTPS not only enhances your site’s security but also contributes to improved performance and search engine rankings.

3. Your keyword strategy is outdated

Certainly, an outdated keyword strategy can lead to a gradual and consistent decline in website traffic.

The problem

In the realm of digital marketing, businesses must stay ahead, particularly in managing their website traffic. If you’ve noticed a gradual decline in your site’s visitors, it’s time to scrutinize your keyword strategy or lack thereof.

Businesses experiencing a gradual dip in website traffic should give careful consideration to their keyword strategy. Even if you haven’t actively focused on SEO-driven keywords, it’s essential to regularly evaluate the content you provide and the terms for which it ranks in search engine results.

This assessment is critical because people’s search behaviours evolve. Free tools like Google Trends can unveil shifts in search trends and shopping preferences. For instance, the term “cell phones” was prevalent before the era of smartphones. Today, however, most people use the term “smartphones.”

Failing to adapt to such changes within your industry might lead to a decline in your website’s traffic. If your content doesn’t align with current search queries or address evolving user needs, it could lose relevance in the eyes of search engines and users. Consequently, this may result in lower rankings in search results, affecting your online visibility and reach.

The solution

If checking the traffic of the website revamping your keyword strategy requires an investment of time and resources. Even for a small website, dedicating effort to refine and update your content is crucial. The return on this investment, however, is significant and well worth the time.

To rejuvenate your website traffic, consider the following steps:

  1. Keyword Audit: Review your keyword strategy, specifically focusing on identifying outdated or overly general keywords.
  2. Keyword Research: Explore alternative keywords with higher search volumes and overall value.
  3. Content Revision: Modify your content to incorporate these alternative keywords.

This research process may unveil new content ideas that could significantly benefit your business. It not only enhances your content marketing plan but also strengthens your SEO strategy. Additionally, fresh content can greatly improve your chances of ranking higher in valuable search results, attracting more site traffic.

4. Your website’s design forgot about SEO

A site design that doesn’t consider SEO can cause devastating damage to your website traffic.

The problem

Redesigning your website can be a fantastic decision, especially if you have an older site. A fresh and modern website not only looks more professional but also provides a vastly improved user experience, which can ultimately boost your business.

However, there’s a common pitfall many companies fall into during the redesign process – neglecting the importance of SEO. Even some web design agencies make this oversight. While they excel at creating visually appealing and user-friendly websites, they often miss the crucial link between web design and SEO, which can lead to a significant drop in website traffic.

Here are several ways in which a website redesign can negatively impact your SEO and traffic:

  1. Replacing Unoptimized Content: When you replace existing page content, including title tags and meta descriptions, with unoptimized content, it can harm your site’s search engine rankings.
  2. Creating Duplicate Pages: Introducing brand-new pages for existing ones without setting up proper 301 redirects can confuse search engines and dilute the authority of your site.
  3. Altering Site Structure: Changing the site structure without updating the sitemap can make it challenging for search engines to crawl and index your site effectively.
  4. Ignoring Analytics: Redesigning your website without re-implementing your Google Analytics tracking code can result in a lack of essential data to understand your site’s performance.

In essence, a website’s design and SEO are closely intertwined, and overlooking the SEO aspect can hinder your site’s visibility in search results related to your industry, products, or services. It’s crucial to address this issue promptly to ensure your website can reach its full potential in terms of traffic and success.

The solution

When experiencing a drop in website traffic following a site redesign, there are various strategies to consider to recover and improve your online presence.

  1. Restore Previous Website: Reverting to a setup that previously attracted more traffic using backups can be a solution.
  2. Optimize New Content and Design: Enhancing visibility on search engines by optimizing new content and website design is crucial.
  3. Update Sitemap and Implement 301 Redirects: These are effective steps to signal search engines about changes and maintain SEO authority.

The extent of necessary fixes largely depends on the redesign’s impact. Restarting an SEO strategy from scratch may take time to regain rankings and traffic levels. Conversely, setting up 301 redirects demands less effort but might still take weeks or months for traffic to fully recover.

If the initial website design was not effective in driving traffic, creating optimized content tailored to your audience becomes a priority. For comprehensive support, collaborating with a full-service digital marketing company like Tap for Tech, specializing in web design and SEO, can be incredibly beneficial. Such partnerships can aid in regaining lost traffic while ensuring that future design updates align with and protect your SEO strategy.

5. Good news – maybe your data is incorrect

Experiencing a sudden drop in website traffic can be concerning, but before panicking, it’s crucial to investigate potential causes. This could include checking if web analytics tracking was mistakenly removed, inspecting for code glitches or duplications, and ensuring third-party services are operational. Sometimes, seemingly significant traffic drops may result from minor issues like coding errors or misplaced elements in the Content Management System (CMS). These tracking errors are often easier to fix than genuine declines in traffic. It’s not uncommon for sites to encounter such issues, such as unintentional removal of Google Analytics code or analyzing the wrong view. Before worrying too much, it’s advisable to double-check the accuracy of your data sources.

6. Additional reasons your website traffic is down

Still confused about why your website traffic is going down? Check out these potential causes:

1. Broken 301 redirectsReview your 301 redirects for errors and fix Ensure canonical tags, XML sitemaps, and links are up-to-date
2. Manual Google penaltyLog in to your Google Search Console account and check alerts Make recommended site or page changes
3. Slow page speedCheck page speed with PageSpeed Insights Make updates or use page speed optimization services
4. Poor internal linkingCheck the website for identical blocks of content. Make identical content unique
5. Unreliable serverAudit internal linking strategy Add internal links to content deep in your website. Use anchor text related to the page topic or targeted keyword
6. Duplicate contentView Google Search Console to see if site and pages are indexed. Submit website and pages for indexing
7. Unindexed siteView Google Search Console to see if the site and pages are indexed. Submit the website and pages for indexing

7. Restore your website traffic (and then some) with Tap For Tech

Experiencing a decline in website traffic can be discouraging, particularly after significant changes like a website redesign or shifts in keyword strategy. Facing this challenge is common for businesses, but understanding the reasons behind the drop and how to address it is crucial for recovery.

If you find the task of boosting website traffic daunting, our team is here to help. We are a full-service digital marketing agency with experience, featuring a dedicated team of web marketing specialists. Equipped with expertise and cutting-edge technology, we can assist your company in navigating through challenges and getting back on the right path.

Explore our client testimonials and the range of digital marketing services we offer to understand how our team can benefit yours. If you have any questions or need assistance, feel free to reach out to us at 630-647-0701 or contact us online. We’re here to support you!

Must read: My Website is Not Secure — Securing Your Site with HTTPS

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