SEO Checker: Get Your Free SEO Report Now!

SEO Checker: Get Your Free SEO Report Now!

Learn how to rank higher and capture more traffic with an instant SEO analysis.

Inside your SEO Checker report, you’ll find:

  • Your SEO score, which summarizes the SEO health of your site
  • Where your site has SEO issues
  • How to fix your site’s SEO issues
  • Which fixes to prioritize, based on SEO impact
  • Where to learn more about SEO issues specific to your site

Earn higher rankings and more search traffic with a free SEO checker

Discover how well your website is optimized for search engines with our complimentary SEO checker. Our tool performs a thorough SEO audit of your site and produces a tailored SEO report just for you. It’s an easy way to assess and improve your website’s search engine performance!

Inside Your SEO Report


Your SEO score is like a report card for your website’s search engine friendliness, ranging from 0 to 100. If your score falls between 100 and 70, that’s excellent! It means your website is in great SEO shape. Scores from 69 to 41 are okay, indicating there’s room for improvement. However, if your score is between 0 and 40, it’s considered poor, and your website might need some serious SEO attention. Think of it as a quick and easy way to gauge how well your site is doing in terms of search engine optimization.


Ensuring your website is speedy is crucial for snagging a top spot on the first page of search results. Wondering if your site meets the mark? Find out here, and grab some valuable tips on how to boost its speed with a complimentary SEO analysis.


Your website’s URL plays a crucial role in how both search engines and users perceive it. Our SEO checker evaluates aspects like the format, length, and optimization of your URL to ensure it’s user-friendly and search engine-friendly.


Your meta tags can make or break a page’s performance. Learn if a page’s meta tags miss the mark and how to make them hit the bullseye with our SEO audit tool.


Content is king in SEO, making user- and search-engine-friendly content vital. Get actionable insight into the length, format, and optimization of your content via your SEO score.


Give your website the competitive edge it deserves! Try out our free SEO audit tool to assess if your images are holding you back. Discover if they need attention-grabbing alt tags, SEO-friendly filenames, or compression for faster loading. Don’t let unoptimized images slow you down—stay ahead of the competition!


The performance of your website goes beyond its appearance; what happens behind the scenes is just as crucial as what users see. Wondering if your website is set up for good search engine optimization (SEO)? Get a free SEO report from us! Our report dives into the technologies that drive your site to help you understand how well it’s optimized for search engines.


Internal linking helps users and crawlers explore your site. Learn how well your website links internally (and externally) with the in-page link audit included with your free SEO audit.


Ensuring your website is safe and secure is crucial for better search engine rankings and attracting more leads and sales online. Our SEO analyzer examines the security of your site to help you achieve these goals.


Curious if your website is mobile-friendly? Wonder no more! Our SEO site checkup tool is here to help. It assesses and tests your site’s mobile friendliness, ensuring that it caters to the needs of the over 50% of internet users who access it through mobile devices. Give it a try to ensure your site is delivering an optimal experience for all visitors, no matter what device they’re using!


To make sure your website shows up in search results, search engines need to explore and categorize its content. As part of our SEO analysis, our Google SEO checker examines elements like your robots.txt file and XML sitemap. These components play a crucial role in helping search engines understand and navigate your site, ensuring it gets properly indexed for optimal visibility in search results.

FAQs about SEO Checker

How do I use your SEO analysis tool?

Get started with our free SEO analysis tool by entering your website URL (or the page URL you want to audit). Then, enter your name and email address so you can receive a copy of your SEO report, which you can then save, share, and view whenever!

What does an SEO analysis tool look at?

An SEO audit tool should look at the critical factors of an SEO strategy and how SEO works, which can include:

  • Keyword optimization
  • Backlink building
  • Image optimization
  • Page speed optimization
  • And more

Our free SEO checker tool assesses those factors, including:

  • Your URL
  • Your site speed
  • Your page’s title tag
  • Your page’s meta description
  • Your page’s heading tags

With a website SEO analysis from our tool, you can get actionable advice on how to improve your URL’s SEO rankings.

What does our free SEO audit tool check?

Our free SEO audit tool offers a comprehensive evaluation of several factors, including:


The speed of your website not only matters to search engines but also to users. More than 80 per cent of users expect a website to load in two seconds or less — if the website takes longer, they’ll likely leave, which increases your bounce rate.

That’s why our SEO site checkup tool tests the speed of your page.

It’ll also look at all your site’s assets, from HTML to CSS to JavaScript. If it spots ways to improve your page speed, like by compressing your image files, it’ll notify you in your free SEO report. The best part? It’ll highlight which files to compress.


Next, our SEO analyzer tool checks your URL. In this step, our tool looks at the following factors:

  • Keyword: When you set the keyword of a page, it’s helpful to include the primary keyword in your URL. It helps improve the SEO strategy of your page, which can lead to a better ranking in search results.
  • Underscores: When creating a page URL, it’s a common mistake to separate words with underscores, versus hyphens. That’s why our SEO checker looks for underscores. If it finds any, it’ll notify you in your free SEO report.
  • Top-Level Domain (TLD): When registering your domain name, you must choose a top-level domain — “.com” is one example. If you’re a non-profit or government organization, however, you may register “.gov” or “.org.”

Based on these factors, our SEO analyzer will determine if your page is SEO-friendly.


We then evaluate the title tag of your page — keep in mind, that this may differ from the heading of your page. As an example, you could have the title tag, “Holiday Decorating Guide,” but your heading is, “Your Quintessential Holiday Decorating Guide.”

Our free SEO checker looks at the following features of your title tag:

  • Length: For the best results, title tags should have 60 characters or less. If they exceed that number, search engines won’t display the excess. Instead, they’ll insert an ellipsis, which can leave your title tag without a hook.
  • Keyword: A title tag should also include your primary keyword. While not required, it’s beneficial if your title tag starts with your primary keyword. Our SEO audit tool will let you know if it does.

In most cases, title tags are a quick fix, though they require some brainstorming.


Following your title tag, our SEO checker will look at the following features of your meta description:

  • Length: Like a title tag, a description or meta tag also has character limits. Your description tag should not exceed 160 characters — otherwise, it won’t display in search results. It’s worth noting that in some instances Google will rewrite your meta description.
  • Keyword: A meta description should also include your primary keyword — specifically, the exact keyword. That means if your keyword is, “holiday decorating guide,” you want to use that exact keyword and word order, so the phrase, “guide to holiday decorating,” wouldn’t count.

To make your SEO analysis easy to follow, we include your meta description tag in the report.


After our Google SEO Checker assesses your title tag and meta description, it evaluates your heading tags. These tags feature throughout the content of your page and tend to include the keywords you’re targeting. They’re also helpful for readers, as they divide your content into neat, easy-to-follow sections.

Maximize your SEO strategy by including an H1 tag, as well as H2 tags. Depending on your content, you may also have H3 and H4 tags to make your content even easier for audiences to read. Our SEO checker tool will look for H1, H2, H3, H4, and H5 tags — if you’re missing them, we’ll let you know.

Our tool will also look for your primary keyword in your heading tags. To improve your SEO strategy, you’ll want to include your primary keyword in your heading tags, especially your H1 tag. If your keyword would impact the readability of your H2 and H3 tags, consider leaving it out.


In the online world, content is critical. You need to provide your viewers with original content that offers value, or your pages will struggle to rank. Even worse, users won’t stay on your page or convert, which defeats your overall goal.

That’s why our SEO checker provides a comprehensive analysis of your copy and assesses the following:

  • Keyword use: If you’re familiar with search engine optimization, you know keyword stuffing is a black-hat practice. You still want to use your keyword, however. In most cases, use the exact version of your keyword three to four times in your copy.
  • Keyword placement: To help search engines understand your content, you must use your primary keyword within the first 100 words of your copy — so under your H1 heading. Our tool will let you know if you need to add your keyword to that initial copy.

If our tool spots issues with your copy, it’ll include actionable recommendations in your SEO report.


It’s essential to include images in your copy. By including images, whether pictures or graphics, you’re providing readers with a visual that helps them digest your content. If you’re explaining a complex process, for example, a graphic is invaluable

Images are also useful in SEO, which is why our SEO checker tool reviews the following:

  • Filename: For your sanity, as well as for search engines, you must develop a naming system for your image files. Don’t settle for a filename like, “IMG_0001.” Instead, use your keyword — if appropriate — and separate words with a hyphen, not an underscore.
  • Alt tag: Since search engines cannot “read” images, you must include an alt tag. Create descriptive, no-fluff alt tags that explain what’s going on in your image. If appropriate, you should include your keyword in your alt tag.

Once you develop a process for naming your images and composing their alt tags, it’ll become a habit.


Another factor our SEO checker assesses is your page links. In search engine optimization, link building plays a critical role. While your content likely includes links to content on your website, you also want your content to earn links from external websites.

That’s a challenge for many businesses, as you need to create content that’s unique and compelling — content that journalists, users, and publishers can’t help but share. Even if you do publish a piece of exceptional content, you often need to connect with publishers to highlight your one-of-a-kind content.

While our SEO analyzer doesn’t provide tips for how to conduct outreach, it does generate a backlink score, based on the number of links you’ve earned, as well as the number of links you’ve earned from unique domains.

For example, if Martha Stewart links to your guide on holiday decorating twice, that only counts as one unique domain. While those shout-outs are wonderful, you want to have a diverse set of links. That diversity indicates that a variety of websites trust yours.


With more than 50 per cent of all Internet traffic coming from mobile devices, you must have a mobile-friendly website. The fact that Google’s adopted a mobile-first index makes it even more of a priority to support a mobile website.

That’s why our SEO checker does a thorough mobile analysis. It’ll look for the following features:

  • Mobile sitemap
  • Viewport meta tag
  • Compression
  • Tap targets

Like our tool’s coding assessment, you’ll want to forward this part of the report to your development team. They can often make the necessary changes. If you’re without a mobile-friendly website, however, aim to launch a responsive or dynamic website.

How do I read my SEO report?

Once our SEO checker tool evaluates your website (which happens in 60 seconds or less), it’ll generate your report, which you can then view. We’ll also send a copy of your SEO report to your email address, so you can see it, as well as share it later.

Your SEO report encompasses two tabs:

  • On-page SEO
  • Off-page SEO

Even though your report breaks down into on-page and off-page SEO, our website SEO checker still analyzes your technical SEO. For your convenience, we’ve included the technical SEO findings within the on-page SEO section.

Each area of the report includes:

Overall SEO scoreShare best practices for optimizing an element, like your title tag, for SEO.
ScoreRepresents whether an element, like your title tag, passed, needs improving, or generated an error.
ImpactRepresents how impactful an element is on SEO. For example, a title tag can have a significant impact. Use impact ratings to prioritize fixes.
Solving complexityRepresents how challenging an SEO issue is to solve. For example, it’s easy to fix a title tag. Use solving complexity ratings to prioritize fixes too.
TipsShares best practices for optimizing an element, like your title tag, for SEO.
Related articlesCompiles a list of related articles for different SEO elements. Use these articles to learn more about SEO and how to improve your SEO score.

Keep in mind that our SEO checker tool generates recommendations, not requirements. Depending on your business and its unique SEO strategy, some suggestions may not apply to your approach or characteristics.

If you need help improving your SEO, you can always contact our experienced strategists.

How many pages can I check at once?

With our SEO checker, you can test one page at a time. If you’re reviewing multiple pages, we recommend creating an Excel or Google Sheet document. Here, you can build a plan for revising your SEO strategy by noting the recommended changes.

How do I fix my page’s SEO errors?

Our actionable tasks guide how to fix errors caught by our website SEO analysis tool. For more information about these recommendations, consider browsing our guides and blog, which offer a wealth of resources for SEO.

Must read: Grow Your Pay-Per-Click Revenue With a Top PPC Agency 

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