Restaurant Marketing Strategy Using Facebook, Twitter & Instagram

Restaurant Marketing Strategy Using Facebook, Twitter & Instagram

Restaurant Marketing Strategy: If you’re a restaurant owner, you know that social media can be an important way to grow your business. The problem is that most restaurants don’t use social media effectively, which means they miss out on potential customers and revenue opportunities. However, with these tips from an expert in the field, you can learn how to market your restaurant using Facebook, Twitter and Instagram:

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Create profiles for your restaurant.

  • Create a Facebook page for your restaurant.
  • Create a Twitter account for your restaurant.
  • Create an Instagram account for your restaurant.
  • Create a website for your restaurant (if you have one). You can also use this time to create some kind of video or photo project that showcases what makes your business stand out from other restaurants in the area, as well as what makes it different from other kinds of food businesses in general—such as having live music acts on certain nights, or hosting trivia nights where contestants win prizes if they know more about food than everyone else at the table! This will give visitors something tangible to interact with during their visit when they come back again later on down the road when they’re ready! It’s all part of creating word-of-mouth marketing strategies which works wonders because people trust recommendations from friends over anything else these days…even if those recommendations aren’t always accurate.”
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Write about your restaurant.

This is the first thing that should be done before you even think about posting anything on social media. You need to make sure that people know what it is that makes your restaurant unique and special, as well as how they can find it online. Use keywords in your posts so that people searching for “restaurant” will see them on their phone or computer screen, and give them directions as well! This way, when someone sees an ad for a certain brand of food at a local grocery store (not just because someone else recommended it), then maybe they’ll choose yours instead!

Post photos of your restaurant.

You can post photos of your restaurant on Facebook and Instagram. The photos should be high quality, but don’t take too many because they may get deleted by the algorithm. You want to show off your food and service, so make sure you have some nice photos of each area inside that are well lit and clearly show what goes into making a good meal at your establishment!

You can also use these platforms to promote events at your restaurant as well as give people an idea of what it’s like when they come visit in person (or over the phone).

Add regular updates to your profiles.

Adding regular updates to your profiles is important. The more often you post, the more people will see you and your business.

Here are some examples of how often you should post:

  • Posting about special offers or events twice a week
  • Posting about food specials every day or every other day (if they’re short-term)
  • Posting about new menu items every week (if they’re seasonal)

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Follow and interact with other restaurants

The next step is to follow and interact with other restaurants. This can be done in two ways:

  • Follow other restaurants on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram
  • Interact with them via comments, likes, and retweets

There are several benefits of following your competitors (and vice versa). First of all, this will allow you to see what they’re doing in terms of marketing their own business on social media. It also gives you an opportunity to comment on these posts or make recommendations for improvements from your own perspective. If another restaurant has been using a certain hashtag lately that seems relevant for your own content strategy, mentioning it could help increase engagement from potential customers who might not have known about it otherwise!

Set up coupons and contests.

You can also use social media to promote your restaurant in a fun way. One of the best ways to do this is by using coupons and contests, which will help you connect with new customers and keep them coming back for more. Here’s how:

  • Give away a free meal to a new customer who visits your restaurant on their birthday (you’ll want to make sure that this happens within two weeks of their birthday). This will show them that you care about what they want and what makes them feel special—and it will boost sales as well! You could even do something like give away vouchers for discount coupons at other businesses if there’s something nearby where people would like some discounts from too!
  • Offer discounts on certain dishes during certain times of year (such as Father’s Day or Mother’s Day). This way, those who love these meals will have an incentive not only when ordering but also when thinking about buying one themselves later down the road because they know exactly how much better their parents treated them than anyone else ever did before…

Create a Social Media Content Calendar.

A social media content calendar is a must for any restaurant owner who wants to market their brand on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. Social media can be time-consuming, so it’s important to set yourself up for success by creating a schedule that makes sense for your business.

You’ll need:

  • A spreadsheet or calendar where you track all of the posts from each platform (you can create one in Google Docs)
  • An easy way of finding new content ideas – I use BuzzSumo because it has an awesome search tool built into its homepage!

Use Facebook Events to Keep Customers Informed.

Facebook events are a great way to keep customers informed. You can use them to announce special offers and promotions, promote your menu or business, as well as promote your restaurant.

If you have a Facebook Page, it’s easy to set up an event on that page by clicking “create an event.” If you don’t have a page yet but want one anyway (and why wouldn’t you?), we recommend checking out our guide on how to build one in under five minutes!

Utilize Instagram Stories for Real-Time Updates.

If you’re not using Instagram Stories, we highly recommend that you do so. You can use this feature to share photos and videos of your restaurant, show off some great food and drinks, promote new menu items and even post customer testimonials.

It’s also a great way for people who aren’t necessarily customers at the restaurant itself but might be interested in it anyway (i.e., friends) to learn more about what happens behind-the-scenes at your place—and if they’re into that kind of thing, maybe they’ll want to visit sooner rather than later!

Create Facebook Lead Ads to Capture Email Addresses.

Facebook Lead Ads are an easy way to capture email addresses. You can create a lead ad by clicking on the Create an Ad button in your Facebook Ads Manager, and then selecting Lead from the drop-down menu that appears.

To make sure it stands out from other ads, select one of these options:

  • Instagram – Include a photo or video that shows what you do. This will help potential visitors know more about you before they decide to click through and check out your page!
  • YouTube – Use video for maximum exposure as well as engagement with viewers who find themselves enjoying watching it on their own time (and not during work hours). As always though, don’t forget about including some text describing what kind of business/product/service etcetera are being offered so someone looking at this post knows exactly who they’re going into contact with!

Be Responsive on Twitter.

Twitter is the social media platform that has been around for the longest time. It’s also a great way to reach potential customers, so it’s worth taking advantage of.

Twitter requires you to respond within 24 hours if someone tweets at you or mentions your restaurant in a tweet. If they’re asking questions about how your food tastes or what kind of place it is, reply quickly! The best way to do this is by using the @reply function:

@YourNameHere: Hi there! We’d love to help with any questions/concerns 🙂

Write Strong, Shareable Tweets.

  • Write strong, shareable tweets.
  • Use a catchy headline and include a great photo.
  • Do not forget to use hashtags! It’s important to get your social media posts in front of people who are interested in your food or drink, so make sure you’re using relevant hashtags for each tweet (and don’t just hashtag #food if it’s something like #foodporn). Include a call-to-action that asks them to follow you on Twitter or Instagram, like or comment on one of your posts, etc., and make sure the copy doesn’t go into too much detail—they should be able understand what they’re agreeing with without reading the details themselves.

Restaurants can use social media to bring in customers and improve their reputation online.

Social media is a great way to reach customers and potential customers. You can use social media to build your restaurant’s reputation, find new people interested in your business, keep in touch with existing customers and promote your restaurant.

Here are some tips for using social media:

  • Use Facebook and Twitter as ways of connecting with the people who live near you or work nearby (or both). If they see that you’re doing well on these platforms, they may become interested in dining at your restaurant!


Social media is a great way to get people excited about your restaurant. It’s also a great way for you to interact with customers and keep them in the loop about what’s happening at your restaurant. If you want to learn more about how social media can help grow your business, be sure to check out our full guide on how to use Facebook, Twitter and Instagram as marketing tools.

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